Flash and his companions descended toward the surface of Olo, and landed on the crystal plain.
The king and queen were there to greet him. They welcomed his family, and were all whisked away on whaleback to the castle, where a reception banquet awaited them.
Flash talked with the king, about all that had transpired since they last saw each other.
He told him of his concern that his presence might eventually cause harm to Olo, and yet he couldn’t seem to stay away. The king reassured him.
“You cannot cause harm to this planet. We are all here because of you. Of course you were drawn back to us. The colors on the surface flowed out of you. The images you see from high above are just the outermost layer. They run deep below the surface to the planet’s core. Olo is a painting of your life, past, present and future. You are safe because everything still and already exists. Every moment, with its mistakes and triumphs, is still here. Everything you love and everything you fear, is here on Olo. What you love on Olo is something lovable about you. You can go as deep as you want to go, but you don’t have to. Going or not going doesn’t change anything except your understanding.”
“I would like to see what is there,” Flash said, with a hint of hesitation.
He remembered when HollyGram took him back through his life, including his childhood, to the moment of his conception. He wondered if there was a connection.
“Tomorrow, a guide will take you to the cave.
Tonight, we will celebrate your homecoming.”
What a wonderful party it was. Everyone ate, drank, laughed and talked. Open ends were brought together. Apprehensions were resolved, and everyone appreciated each other for the very one that they were.
Everyone was there. Among the guests were PJ Raygun, Sgt. Snowpants, Crystal and Gravity, along with HollyGram, Ash and Krate. It was a star-studded event!
When Nebula X took the stage, everyone went wild. She could sing and dance for days and never tire. The light show that shot from her fingertips illuminated the ballroom of the castle. She was able to incorporate the jewels that were embedded in the walls, washing the party not only with colors, but pictures that pulsed with the music and told the story of Flash Meridian and the other guests in their journeys that brought them to that very night. When the party was finally over, and everyone left, she stayed and single handedly cleaned up the mess.
Flash went up to his room and slept. He slipped effortlessly into beautiful dreams where he felt secure, accepted and valued. The spirit of the celebration lingered after he awoke, like a faint, rejuvenating aroma. His talk with the king the day before had freed him from that pervasive feeling that he would destroy things simply by his presence. This world was formed by him and for him without him even realizing it. Whatever dangerous thing he might encounter already lived inside of him, so facing it was nothing to fear, it was just his to understand or accept. Fear could give way to love.
Flash felt happy, just laying in that big bed with Lem and Poikani still sleeping next to him. He didn’t know what time it was, but he saw the light glowing softly around the edges of the heavy drapes. The bed was comfortable. Not too soft or too firm. A heavy blanket covered him, right up to his chin, and it was neither too warm nor too cool. The air was still and silent.
He knew he would have an adventure today. Though he didn’t know what to expect, he did not worry, or try to guess what would happen. He only focused on his breath, slowly and deliberately inhaling the delicious Ololian air, and exhaling again. Each breath a complete story of beginning and ending. He noticed the subtle rise and fall of his chest through the bedding. Any stress from his travel had dissipated, and he was content.