Episode 146: Imagine That

Flash stood on his balcony. It was a very bright morning, so he closed his eyes. The early morning light was warm on his skin, but a cool breeze caressed his body. It was quiet, except for the gentle sound of the wind over his ears. He took a deep breath and held it for a few moments. He went deep into his own body, the way he had walked the cave passage deep into Olo. He passed through layers of himself, noting aspects of his life journey that had brought him here. He thought of the energy he had put into trying to find a home, or contentment. He had expended mental and physical energy into his search, but when he stopped trying, it seemed to fall into his lap. The most wonderful and significant things came to him effortlessly, and by surprise. The highway of his life just seemed to naturally intersect with the roads others were traveling. This happened over and over with perfect timing. The invisible map he followed so obliviously had such synchronicity, such precision, that he never would have been able to conjure it on his own.
He could only look back on where he had been. Like the Ololian book, he couldn’t see what lay ahead, or who might be taking the entrance ramp onto the highway he traveled.
He remembered back to when he left Earth’s gravitational pull, embarking on that journey through his home solar system. He recalled the fear and uncertainty he had felt, and his acceptance of his hopeless situation.
He could not have imagined where it would take him. To this balcony, on this castle, inhabited by these friends, on this morning.
He opened his eyes slightly, squinting into the light, and onto the plain far below him.

Imagine that, he whispered to himself.